DC Elite

(248) 874-4920

Option 1: Assessment for $325. 

  • This package is our most in depth service. 
  • This package includes all of the following: 
    • Shuffle throw velocity baseline 
    • Fastball mound velocity baseline 
    • A PitchAI Biomechanics report detailing deficiencies in the throw 
    • A Rapsodo bullpen with a full write up on the session analyzing a pitcher’s entire arsenal and how their offspeed pitches spin and move 
    • An in depth full body mobility assessment that analyzes passive and active range of motion 
    • A comprehensive strength assessment detailing the current strength of the athlete

Option 2: Weekly Planner for $145/week and a one time fee of $110 for a PitchAI Biomechanics Report 

  • This package includes a full PitchAI Biomechanics Report detailing deficiencies in the throw
  • The athlete is weekly programmed through the TRAQ software with warm up, corrective mobility exercises, throwing, and lifting. 
  • Access to our video library demonstrating each exercise and explaining it 
  • A weekly one hour lesson highlighting mechanical work, pitch development, and corrective mobility work 

Option 3: Pitching lessons with a PitchAI Report. A one time fee of $210 and then $100 every session after. 

  • This package includes private pitching lessons working on mechanics, velocity training, and pitch development through the use of
    • Rapsodo 
    • Radar guns
    •  Driveline plyocare balls
  • A PitchAI Biomechanics Report that details deficiencies in the throw

Option 4: Pitching Lessons for $100

  • This package includes private pitching lessons working on mechanics, velocity training, and pitch development through the use of 
    • Rapsodo 
    • Radar guns
    • Driveline plyocare balls

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